Project Scripts

This project includes several command-line scripts to help with development, database management, and code quality. All scripts use Bun as the runtime.

Development Scripts

bun dev

Starts the development server using Turbopack for fast refresh and hot module replacement

bun build

Creates a production-ready build of the application

bun start

Launches the application in production mode

bun lint

Runs ESLint to check for code quality issues

Database Management

Our database scripts help manage the application's data layer:

bun db:generate

Generates new database migration files based on schema changes

bun db:migrate

Executes pending database migrations

bun db:push

Pushes schema changes directly to the database

bun db:seed

Populates the database with initial data (specifically user roles)

bun db:setup

Convenience script that runs migrations and seeds the database

bun db:studio

Opens Drizzle Studio for visual database management

bun db:drop

Drops all tables from the database (use with caution!)

Code Quality Tools

Maintain code quality with these utilities:

bun format

Checks if code follows the project's formatting rules

bun format:fix

Automatically fixes code formatting issues

bun check:unused

Identifies unused dependencies in package.json

bun check:files

Detects unused exports across the codebase

Usage Examples

Run any script using Bun:

bun <script-name>

Common examples:

# Start development server
bun dev

# Run database migrations
bun db:migrate

# Fix code formatting
bun format:fix