Overview of security measures and best practices implemented across the application.
Rate Limiting
Rate limiting is implemented using Upstash Redis to prevent abuse and DDoS attacks.
Rate Limit Implementation
Example of rate limiting in server actions:
import { Ratelimit } from "@upstash/ratelimit"
import { redis } from "@/lib/upstash"
const ratelimit = new Ratelimit({
limiter: Ratelimit.slidingWindow(5, "1 m"), // 5 requests per minute
export async function protectedAction() {
const identifier = `ratelimit:action:${}`
const { success } = await ratelimit.limit(identifier)
if (!success) {
throw new RateLimitError()
// Action implementation...
Rate limits are applied per user and per action to ensure fair usage and prevent abuse.
Server Actions
Authentication Check
Every server action verifies user authentication
const { user } = await getCurrentUser()
if (!user) {
throw new AuthenticationError()
Input Validation
All inputs are validated using Zod schemas
const validateInput = schema.safeParse(input)
if (!validateInput.success) {
throw new ValidationError()
Permission Check
Actions verify user permissions before execution
const hasPermission = await checkPermission(, "action:name")
if (!hasPermission) {
throw new AuthorizationError()
API Endpoints
- JWT token validation
- Session verification
- Role-based access control
- Secure cookie handling
- Rate limiting per endpoint
- Input sanitization
- CORS configuration
- HTTP-only cookies
Security Best Practices
Data Protection
- Encrypt sensitive data
- Use HTTPS only
- Implement proper CORS
- Secure cookie settings
- Strong password policies
- MFA when available
- Session management
- Regular token rotation
Error Handling
Standardized error handling for security-related issues:
Custom Error Types
Security-focused error handling:
// Custom error types
export class AuthenticationError extends ApiError {
constructor(message = "Not authenticated") {
super(401, message)
export class AuthorizationError extends ApiError {
constructor(message = "Not authorized") {
super(403, message)
export class RateLimitError extends ApiError {
constructor(message = "Too many requests") {
super(429, message)
Always follow security best practices and keep dependencies updated to maintain a secure application environment.